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Looking for photographer
Tanya Shirokih [TannyProjects] 2 hrs [Another model, photographer and makeup artist call for TFP! Looking for a team for this dress. If photographer has fantasy shoot experience it would be better. Dress is from my studio www.Instagram.com/au*** Pm me please or under this post if u will be interested. ]

Good morning creatives!
Trinay and I are wanting to do a creative collaboration highlighting a unique braided ...
Оплата: By agreement

Paid shoot: Looking for makeup artists that do African Canadian makeup for a glam shoot. Please send your IG page or ...
Оплата: By agreement

Внимание. Нужен фотограф на час. Оплата 1000 рублей за час. Нужно снимать сигны и видеопоздравления с фублей.
Оплата: 1000 ₽ per hour