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Looking for makeup artists for a photoshoot
Paid shoot: Looking for makeup artists that do African Canadian makeup for a glam shoot. Please send your IG page or website in the comments. My IG is@effervescent.effy if you want to see my skin tone.
I will only be contacting people that have similar skin tones on their page.
Thanks and talk to you soon
I will only be contacting people that have similar skin tones on their page.
Thanks and talk to you soon

Внимание. Нужен фотограф на час. Оплата 1000 рублей за час. Нужно снимать сигны и видеопоздравления с фублей.
Оплата: 1000 ₽ per hour

Tad is looking for female Arabic promoters in Abu Dhabi:
Carrefour Yas mall
Carrefour Deerfield
Carrefour ...
Оплата: 45 Dh per hour

Urgent Long Term Promoter Needed
Area: KL & Selangor
Interested candidates, please whatsapp
Оплата: By agreement