Required actors

Now Casting - Paid
Rates vary from $300-$400/day, depending on the role
Filming in Ireland and Utah
Looking for: William - Caucasian (Irish), 30's
Saoirse - Caucasian (Irish), 30's, red hair a plus but not required.
Looking for actors that are either from Ireland, or from the US that can speak with a convincing Irish accent.
Must be fully vaccinated against Covid, due to Ireland travel requirements Download sides and more information from:

Submit your video audition by uploading the video to YouTube or Vimeo and then emailing the link and recent headshot to ca*** for submissions is end of day, Tuesday, Sept 7th. DROPBOX.COM

Audition Scenes William Saoirse.pdf

Shared with Dropbox
Brian Brough
3 Set. 2021 alle 11:11
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