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Urgently looking for females for upcoming shooting
[URGENT PAID JOB] Hi everyone, Aww Media is looking for sporty-looking talents for an upcoming shoot for an educational institute's marketing video.
Shoot Date: 22 Sep 2021 Shooting Hours: 1x half day shoot Note: - Shoot time will be further advised based on the role you are shortlisted for. - Not a requirement but bonus if you know how to play netball - Non-speaking role
Netball Role #1 Onscreen Age: 16-25 Gender: Females Race: Any
Netball Role #2 Onscreen Age: 16-21 Gender: Females Race: Any
Interest applicants please email Alan at be***@aww.media by 5 September 2021, 2359, with email subject title e.g. "SSV - Role #1".
Please include your full name, contact details, height, race, recent pictures of yourself in sports attire (half and full body) and your rates.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, thank you:)
Shoot Date: 22 Sep 2021 Shooting Hours: 1x half day shoot Note: - Shoot time will be further advised based on the role you are shortlisted for. - Not a requirement but bonus if you know how to play netball - Non-speaking role
Netball Role #1 Onscreen Age: 16-25 Gender: Females Race: Any
Netball Role #2 Onscreen Age: 16-21 Gender: Females Race: Any
Interest applicants please email Alan at be***@aww.media by 5 September 2021, 2359, with email subject title e.g. "SSV - Role #1".
Please include your full name, contact details, height, race, recent pictures of yourself in sports attire (half and full body) and your rates.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, thank you:)

Paid Job Hello! Little Red Ants Creative Studio is looking for extras for a service video. Details below.
1. Cafe ...
Оплата: By agreement

Для съемок в наружной рекламе ищем женщину в возрасте 50-60 лет. Платим деньги. Съемки на этих выходных. Пишите в лс.
Оплата: By agreement

Нужен фотограф на каталожную съёмку (Оренбургские пуховые платки). Съёмка в октябре, занятость на час, товара несколько ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽ per hour