Все кастинги
Looking for females
Commercial short video casting.
Looking for a 50+ female lady for one day's filming. Filming location TBC but ideal Manchester based. Filming date will be mid and late September.
Paid job. £175 a day. Travel, food and accommodation will be reimbursed.
It's for a bingo game and will be fun on set. Anyone interested please PM or email me the showreel or headshot to em***@gmail.com
A short simple introduce video would be appreciated. Thank you.
Looking for a 50+ female lady for one day's filming. Filming location TBC but ideal Manchester based. Filming date will be mid and late September.
Paid job. £175 a day. Travel, food and accommodation will be reimbursed.
It's for a bingo game and will be fun on set. Anyone interested please PM or email me the showreel or headshot to em***@gmail.com
A short simple introduce video would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hello we need actors for lead role in movie
Age required up to 70 years in male and female
Shoot location ...
Оплата: By agreement

Очень нужен профессиональный фотограф в Милане на 7 сентября, утро, на пару часов.
Возможно, есть какие-то ...
Оплата: By agreement

Для съемок рекламного ролика нужна девушка модельной внешности. (пример на фото) Съмеки в субботу г. Новоуральск.
Все ...
Оплата: By agreement