Все кастинги
Required actors for a movie
Hello we need actors for lead role in movie
Age required up to 70 years in male and female
Shoot location mumbai
Shoot starts in November
Online audition
Few spots left for audition
First preference for fresher's
Safe and secure procedures for female artist
No adult things or no such things like compromise pure genuine production house
Interested persons only inbox me no comments
Age required up to 70 years in male and female
Shoot location mumbai
Shoot starts in November
Online audition
Few spots left for audition
First preference for fresher's
Safe and secure procedures for female artist
No adult things or no such things like compromise pure genuine production house
Interested persons only inbox me no comments

Очень нужен профессиональный фотограф в Милане на 7 сентября, утро, на пару часов.
Возможно, есть какие-то ...
Оплата: By agreement

Для съемок рекламного ролика нужна девушка модельной внешности. (пример на фото) Съмеки в субботу г. Новоуральск.
Все ...
Оплата: By agreement

Дмитрий Корчемный 16 ч. Киев, кастинг
Для съёмки 2.09 требуется
Девушка 25 - 35 лет
Хорошо владеющая
английским ...
Оплата: 1600 UAH