Все кастинги
Нужны модели со знанием английского языка для работы на выставке
Даты: 24.02-25.02
Нужны модели на ВЫСТАВКУ, только
для тех кто будет уже на месте! Со знанием английского. Оплата 245 дол / день
Для фотокастинга обязательно видео визитка на англ.
В лс
Models/hostess, who is in Dubai ! (Local )
Affiliate expo/conference
275$ per day
-30 dol agency money
( clean 245 dol )
6 am make-up, hair, expo from 10 to 6 pm, lunch break 40 minutes, + every hour 10 minutes to sit / go to the toilet. Clothes,shoes,makeup,hairstyle will be provided
What to do: basic expo-conference duties.
-make a photo with customers if they request, -basic information about company,
-to invite people to participate in some activities
-to take part in photo/video report of the company
-to help managers present merch/presents to the partners
Main task to be smiley and positive on the stand
-slim good shape models 170-178, young looking
-age 18-28
-Fluent level of English (from b1 possible )
-responsible positive attitude
-no visible tattoos
-healthy skin
Send me: name, height, measurements, age, shoes size, languages and level, your location , 10 photos
video presentation ( shortly: hello, my name, my height, measurements, I have experience, would be happy to work with you and a smile)
Даты: 24.02-25.02
Нужны модели на ВЫСТАВКУ, только
для тех кто будет уже на месте! Со знанием английского. Оплата 245 дол / день
Для фотокастинга обязательно видео визитка на англ.
В лс
Models/hostess, who is in Dubai ! (Local )
Affiliate expo/conference
275$ per day
-30 dol agency money
( clean 245 dol )
6 am make-up, hair, expo from 10 to 6 pm, lunch break 40 minutes, + every hour 10 minutes to sit / go to the toilet. Clothes,shoes,makeup,hairstyle will be provided
What to do: basic expo-conference duties.
-make a photo with customers if they request, -basic information about company,
-to invite people to participate in some activities
-to take part in photo/video report of the company
-to help managers present merch/presents to the partners
Main task to be smiley and positive on the stand
-slim good shape models 170-178, young looking
-age 18-28
-Fluent level of English (from b1 possible )
-responsible positive attitude
-no visible tattoos
-healthy skin
Send me: name, height, measurements, age, shoes size, languages and level, your location , 10 photos
video presentation ( shortly: hello, my name, my height, measurements, I have experience, would be happy to work with you and a smile)

волосы не супер длинные/не ...
Оплата: 2500 ₽

В компанию "Фермерский Дои" в Центрально-Городском районе города Макееевки ( р-он Руд. больницы). Требуется КЛАДОВЩИК: ...
Оплата: 65000 ₽

2025г. Москва
Приглашаем Актеров, Актрис, Моделей, Детей для участия в Съемках рекламных видеороликов и ...
Оплата: By agreement