Все кастинги
Urgently looking for English-speaking females and males for a video shoot
Zood Casts is URGENTLY Looking for MUMBAI BASED *MALE* and *FEMALE* International Models / Actors *between the age of 20 to 30* for a *Lively, bubbly YouTube Video shoot.*
The Artist can be any Nationality as long as He/She can speak Fluent English.
*Regular work* ( Minimum 5 Videos commitment will be given for this work after meeting and audition in Goregaon Studio hence we are Looking for Mumbai based Artists ).
Medium - Digital ( YouTube )
Shoot Date - Between 8th to 15th October ( Any 1 day ).
Please Urgently What's app your Complete Profile with Introduction Video, Pictures and Work Links to +91 *** .
Thank You
The Artist can be any Nationality as long as He/She can speak Fluent English.
*Regular work* ( Minimum 5 Videos commitment will be given for this work after meeting and audition in Goregaon Studio hence we are Looking for Mumbai based Artists ).
Medium - Digital ( YouTube )
Shoot Date - Between 8th to 15th October ( Any 1 day ).
Please Urgently What's app your Complete Profile with Introduction Video, Pictures and Work Links to +91 *** .
Thank You

Ищем двух девушек для съёмок музыкального клипа в жанре "hip hop" .
Главное хорошо держаться в кадре, не бояться ...
Оплата: By agreement

10 октября.
Требуются зрители
Гонорар до 1500 р.
Возраст от 16 до 45 лет!
Съемка популярного, музыкального шоу ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽

6.10 мистический сериал "Мы здесь"
Ранее не принимавшие участие в данном проекте
Неполная смена
1. ...
Оплата: 2500 ₽