Все кастинги
Required actors
Hi all, Reel Loco is looking for talents for a Government ad
Casting Period: 1 October - 10 October
Fitting Date: Tentatively between 11 - 14 October
Shoot Date: 18 - 20 October*
*(Talents will only be Required for a 1 Day shoot)*
We are looking for the following roles:
- Indian, Female (late 30s)*
- Chinese, Female (Mid 40s)*
- Malay, Male (late 20s)*
*(Applicants have to be Singaporean/PR to be involved in this ad)*
Interested applicants, please send an email with the following details to ca***@reelloco.com
Subject: [Your Name] - Government ad casting
Email to include:
- Full name
- Contact number
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Nationality
- Recent photos along with showreels/past works/CV
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!
Hi all, Reel Loco is looking for talents for a Government ad
Casting Period: 1 October - 10 October
Fitting Date: Tentatively between 11 - 14 October
Shoot Date: 18 - 20 October*
*(Talents will only be Required for a 1 Day shoot)*
We are looking for the following roles:
- Indian, Female (late 30s)*
- Chinese, Female (Mid 40s)*
- Malay, Male (late 20s)*
*(Applicants have to be Singaporean/PR to be involved in this ad)*
Interested applicants, please send an email with the following details to ca***@reelloco.com
Subject: [Your Name] - Government ad casting
Email to include:
- Full name
- Contact number
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Nationality
- Recent photos along with showreels/past works/CV
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!

Job Description:
Looking for talents for an upcoming shoot with for a finance firm. It will be a short video ...
Оплата: 800 $

КАСТИНГ (Москва и МО)
Департамент трудоустройства наших моделей.
На ряд проектов:
-съёмки в рекламе
-съёмки для ...
Оплата: By agreement

Завтра 28.09 для съёмки в новом сериале нужны парни и девушки на роль прохожих.
Возраст 18-45 лет
Занятость ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽