Все кастинги
Need males for a photoshoot
Reference pic.
Need a 2 foreigner boys like this for a featured cast in shooting.
No words.
Age group: 20 to 32 years.
Shoot date: 30th September.
Shooting location: Mumbai
Shooting hours: 13 (including hair, make up, costume & food breaks).
If you're interested & available on 30th September in Mumbai then send me your latest pics, introduction video & profile details.
WhatsApp: +91 ***
Need a 2 foreigner boys like this for a featured cast in shooting.
No words.
Age group: 20 to 32 years.
Shoot date: 30th September.
Shooting location: Mumbai
Shooting hours: 13 (including hair, make up, costume & food breaks).
If you're interested & available on 30th September in Mumbai then send me your latest pics, introduction video & profile details.
WhatsApp: +91 ***

В новый проект требуются проф танцоры:
Девушки рост от 165 до 175, одежда до 44 размера, без признаков ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽

Съемка рекламы
2 октября (примерка), 4 или 5 октября (съемка)
15 000-45 000 ₽
Для съемки ...
Оплата: 45000 ₽

Внимание, съёмки!
На съёмки 29.11 (пятница, ноябрь) ищем танцоров
Один съемочный день
Предварительная репетиция
3 ...
Оплата: By agreement