Все кастинги
Need actors
To make film in first you need source: digital camera, camera on your device, simple editing software, actors.
But in second you need vision. This is how you will do artistic film. You need love films, know technique of making film. Film basically is cut of frames by size. You need drama, what drive your story. By frames you telling story in your way, like you love. Also in film moves camera. That is great tool to make film. Acting is hybrid what you want from actors in sense timing movements, speak and his natural temperament.
I studies filmmaking reading books by Michail Romm, Lev Kuleshev, Andrei Tarkovsky. They tell their method, but structure is the same. Rhythm in anything. Sense of time is pure thing to cinema. Sense of composition frame. What lines, what lighting.
But in second you need vision. This is how you will do artistic film. You need love films, know technique of making film. Film basically is cut of frames by size. You need drama, what drive your story. By frames you telling story in your way, like you love. Also in film moves camera. That is great tool to make film. Acting is hybrid what you want from actors in sense timing movements, speak and his natural temperament.
I studies filmmaking reading books by Michail Romm, Lev Kuleshev, Andrei Tarkovsky. They tell their method, but structure is the same. Rhythm in anything. Sense of time is pure thing to cinema. Sense of composition frame. What lines, what lighting.
Здравствуйте, я мобильный фотограф.
Набираю моделей на съемку.
Оплата: 1000р ( за один час)
Я предлагаю 30 фото в ...
Оплата: 1000 ₽ per hour
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10-15 видео ...
Оплата: 1500 ₽
В "Фаворит", исторический сериал для первого канала при поддержке Минкульта ищем на завтра мужчин!
17.09 ...
Оплата: By agreement