Все кастинги
Looking for models for a photoshoot
Non-speaking role, but must be able to act abit.
Hi all, looking for student talents for a tentative shoot happening on either 10th or 12th September [1 FULL DAY]
Please find the details below:
3x Student look alike
Gender: Both female and male are welcomed
Screen Age: 17 - 23
Race: Asian
Please send recent photo of yourself (clear, good lighting, no filters)/ portfolio to ca***@parallaxcollective.com and subject the email as "HS". Do include:
- full name
- age
- height
- top and bottom sizes in S/M/L (do state in Zara or Uniqlo sizes)
- instagram handle (public account only)
- recent photo of yourself (clear, good lighting, no filters)/ portfolio
- self introduction video
Note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!
Non-speaking role, but must be able to act abit.
Hi all, looking for student talents for a tentative shoot happening on either 10th or 12th September [1 FULL DAY]
Please find the details below:
3x Student look alike
Gender: Both female and male are welcomed
Screen Age: 17 - 23
Race: Asian
Please send recent photo of yourself (clear, good lighting, no filters)/ portfolio to ca***@parallaxcollective.com and subject the email as "HS". Do include:
- full name
- age
- height
- top and bottom sizes in S/M/L (do state in Zara or Uniqlo sizes)
- instagram handle (public account only)
- recent photo of yourself (clear, good lighting, no filters)/ portfolio
- self introduction video
Note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Thank you!

На 7 сентября с 8-19.00 кораблестроителей 14
нужна промо-модель
инофрмировать о механике призов
5000 р
Оплата: 5000 ₽

СРОЧНО требуется мужская #МОДЕЛЬ для съёмки бренда одежды:
возраст 35+, типаж на фото, фактурной внешности, без ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽

Ищу модель, для снятия рекламного ролика для клининговой компании, оплата 1000 р в час, работы на часа на 2 , 3, оплата ...
Оплата: 1000 ₽ per hour