Need beautiful models

Need some beautiful Male & female models and Actor & actresses. We need some artists for our project. This is a Bollywood feature film which will be shot in London, United Kingdom. The shooting of this project is going to start from the end of this month. Contact us if you want to be a part of our project. We will give any 3 artists from you a chance to work with us. Age:- 19 to 42
Height:- 5.2 to 5.11 inc
Interested artists send us your portfolio or picture and details.
On this email
Archana Gurjar
9 Jun at 7:57 pm
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Looking for female
Hello there, We are looking for a pro-female Model for a fashion art project - couture dress, stylish movement and pro ...
Оплата: 300 £
Need beautiful models
Need some beautiful female & male models and actor & actresses. We need some artists for our upcoming project. ...
Оплата: By agreement
Required females for music video
*CASTING CALL* K.A Global Film Studio is scouting for a Female Model for a Music Video Cover Shoot. Are YOU what we ...
Оплата: Not paid