Looking for female

We are looking for a female model who can participate in a make up photo shoot on the 16th of January. The shoot will take place at our studio in Dubai business bay. The shoot will last for 4 hours and we will pay 1200 AED for your time and talent. If you are interested, please send us the following information:

- Your portfolio or Instagram account
- Your height
- Your measurements
- Your contact details (email and phone number)
- Your date of birth
- Your nationality
- Your hair and eye color
- Your dress and shoe size

You can send your information to re***@libramodels.com, or here on WhatsApp wa.me/ *** , or through our website www.libramodels.com/register. Please choose the option that is most convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Modeling Jobs In Dubai
10 Gen. 2024 alle 06:47
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Требуется мужчина
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