Need males

Modi is going fuck Tamil Nadu police for sure! LOL!
chennai Police man protest - give my daughter proper health care - Exclusive Redpix Interview
2,523 views Apr 17, 2023 - 2 hours ago!

See the chain of command at IT company is worker above him is Team Leader and above Team Leader is Team Manager and above Team Manager is Project Leader and above Project Leader is HR Department!***

Reality is bit different - When you take tech calls not for home users but for corporations you are in the Microsoft club - and club has community rules!*** " you are called for interview because someone recommended you to Team Manager and that Team Manager called your previous employer to know about you!
[dcpromo command] " Interview question that got me selected!

And then there would be interview by some other Team Manager(s) on your "horse sense" - VERY IMPORTANT you are not elected for your technical knowledge, you cannot possibly have "corporate servers" knowledge unless you have worked in "an Multi-National Corporation".***

The skill they are looking for your ability ON YOUR OWN SEARCH IN GOOGLE (Bing is a crap) find solution or know which GOD to approach for which issue!***

See for guys like me they would NOT put us in latest technology that easily - you need to fight for it and prove your passion!*** " Game on me was to make me switch to Lync Server at that time!

Profit is investing in young blood in latest technology so that he/she would work for longer years in that field (but not in same Company) - Never ever love your company or your manager!***

They thought I am hot-blooded and loose my "cool" - but I showed perfect humour!
Why are you standing before Project Manager room?
My Answer: They were looking for a model for Swami Vivekananda and they have now chosen me! LOL!
" Anyways what you never do is send email to Azim Premji that you are going to commit suicide because of company - some new recruits did this COMEDY and where banned for IT industry all together - Cc and BCC in email concept!***

This "Head Constable" COMEDY Stalin please do "mercy killing" - kill me and my daughter would not work in any IT company - you would be banned for life!
Johann Gauß
17 Apr 2023 at 6:57 pm
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