Все кастинги
Required dancers
Luxury hotel in maldives is looking for a choreographer (female)
she will be required to dance and teach dancers an evening show! she had to have experience as a choreographer and provide dance videos of herself and her class.
provided by the employer: visa, accommodation, flight tickets, health insurance, transportation, food.
salary will be know after an interview!
please send your cv at ca***@gmail.com
or contact our manager via whatsapp:
+77 *** daria
maldivesjobs artistworks dancejobs work
she will be required to dance and teach dancers an evening show! she had to have experience as a choreographer and provide dance videos of herself and her class.
provided by the employer: visa, accommodation, flight tickets, health insurance, transportation, food.
salary will be know after an interview!
please send your cv at ca***@gmail.com
or contact our manager via whatsapp:
+77 *** daria
maldivesjobs artistworks dancejobs work
Добрый вечер. 24 декабря требуется стилист (прическа+макияж) центр сормово. Прическа примерно как на фото, волосы до ...
Оплата: By agreement
Требуется #певица (#певец) 23.12, 24.12 в Кафе -бар
С 21.00-02.00
Оплата 3000₽ плюс заказы с песен
Все вопросы по вот ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽
Нужен танцор мужского пола с хореографическим образованием для участия в выступлении 24 декабря. Знание восточных ...
Оплата: 8000 ₽