Needed actors



Job Type: Permanent

Description: A producer is the person responsible for finding and launching a project; arranging financing hiring writers, a director, and key members of the creative team; and overseeing all elements of pre-production, production and post-production, right up to release.
Producers must actively work on set, overseeing production logistics from start to finish, in close collaboration with the director.
Responsibilities of a Producer During Preproduction
The producer is one of the first people to start working on the show. During pre-production, the producer works to gather investment and financing for the show.
In trying to sell the project, the producer assembles a small creative team to help package the pitch to production companies and studios. Along with a team of writers, the producer works to find a director (if one hasn't been attached to the project already) and may reach out to a few big-name actors for the leading roles.
A successful producer will get the green light from a production company or studio, or manage to arrange financing from investors to launch the film or TV show.
Responsibilities of a Producer During Production
As production gets under way, a producer's responsibilities shift to include the following:
Work with the director to bring on key creative partners such as a cinematographer a production designer, casting agents.
Offer advice and sign off on all major creative decisions.
Manage all logistics and business operations.
Supervise all aspects of physical production through the production staff.
Key characteristics needed for the job of a producer:
A desire and passion to make shows
Strong project management and organizational skills
Creative thinking and problem-solving ability
Great contacts
Drive, persistence, and assertiveness
Calm under pressure
Must have 2 years of experience from a well known media station

From: @fr***
Freelance Ethiopia
16 Sep 2022 at 4:22 pm
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