Required actresses

Pearl's next-door neighbor, member of the pulpit search committee.
She is "Mrs. Katy Green" because she prides herself in being the widow of the late Henry Green, (African American), and she has always loved and liked being Katy. If she were a red wine, her attack would bite, her body would be full, delicious, and sweet, and her finish would leave an odd, vintage, unique, oaky, and impactful punch to one's soul. If Pearl had a friend to confide in, her next-door neighbor, Katy, is it. Katy is shrewd, discrete, tactful, graceful, trust-worthy and a great cook.
She has peace because she has known love. She is militant when her love or peace is threatened.
Age range for this role: 50-75
Required Skills: Experienced actor. Must be able to sing Gospel music soulfully. Mezzo-Soprano (D4-F5)
Required: Headshot and resume
Auditions and most of the scheduled rehearsals will be conducted at Center City Brightwood Campus, 6008 Georgia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.
The In-person auditions will be held on June 25 and 26, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
We are calling for Union AND Non-union actors.
27 июн 2022 в 03:10
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