Looking for females for film

Casting Call for the short film Introduction to Imagination
Juliana (Mexican-American Female age 18-35):She is one of the two primary protagonists of the film. She is a psychology student who also studies media production. She has to make a presentation about the five senses and how they affect the imagination for her Introduction to Imagination course. She can be described as determined and innovative as she uses her creativity and leadership skills to create a 2000s-themed presentation.
Production date: Filming will begin on March 12. Filming will be 2-3 days. This is a lead role and live-action.
This film will be 10-15 minutes. There will be a schedule for filming and reading the script.... More
Patrick St
1 Mar 2022 at 7:02 am
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Need models
If you are interested please inbox me I need models for a Fashion Show for April 30,2022
Оплата: By agreement
Приглашаются модели
Съёмка для соцсетей табачных изделий (только для моделей Arlette Management) Дата: 3.03 (время уточняется) Условия: ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽
Looking for actors
LOOKING FOR ACTORS FOR JASON AND LYDIA + EXTRAS Unpaid w/ refreshments provided Student short film tackling issues with ...
Оплата: Not paid