Все кастинги
#Salt Lake City
Looking for model
*UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who has reached out! I've got a big list of families willing to help. If you don 't see a message from me, that means I've filled all of my open spots, but I'll keep everyone who comments on here/messages me on my list to reference in the future. FAMILY MODEL CALL. I'm looking for two or three families (preferably with younger children) to schedule sessions with sometime in March and April. I'd like to provide a little guidance with outfits and location (looking for at least one in home session) as I'm going to include these photos on my website that's currently under construction. This is a 100% free photo shoot and I will give 5 free images, but if you end up wanting more photos from our session you can purchase the rest at a super discounted rate! I've included photos from other photographers that show the style I'm going for. DM me if you're interested! (instagram: @li***)
Кастинги съемки работа модели подработка (VK)ВНИМАНИЕ МОСКВА Для нового пилотного проекта Съемка 28 февраля Ищем, ...
Оплата: 1800 ₽
Москва | Шоу "К. В." | 1.800₽
В жюри нашего шоу ищем ярких Парней и Девушек от 15 до 24 лет желательно увлекающихся ...
Оплата: 1800 ₽ per shift
Ищу 2 моделей на 27 февраля, воскресенье (девочки от 4 лет или мама с дочкой)
С 11.00
Студийная фотосессия с ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽