Все кастинги
Wanted female model for a photoshoot
I'm looking for a female model for a paid shoot from the 18th to 29th MARCH SWIMSUITE AND BODYSUITS BRAND collaboration
2022 in London.
Size: UK 6- 10. Please message me with Instagram handle. Or message me
Ceck the SPAM LIST
Payed work 40£ each hours from 3 hours to 6 daily
I'm looking for a female model for a paid shoot from the 18th to 29th MARCH SWIMSUITE AND BODYSUITS BRAND collaboration
2022 in London.
Size: UK 6- 10. Please message me with Instagram handle. Or message me
Ceck the SPAM LIST
Payed work 40£ each hours from 3 hours to 6 daily

Hello, Im looking for models for:
- outdoor shot
- home studio shots ( location E4 9AD) portraits/beauty
Also I' m ...
Оплата: Not paid

HI Im looking for a team, for my upcomming project (end of march)
Im gonna do spring portraits with blooming trees, ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi everyone
Am casting for 1 model for a multi day paid shoot
Am casting for a personal creative shoot that ...
Оплата: By agreement