Все кастинги #Salt Lake City

Need model

Hello I am new to the group! I came from Vegas area and now live in Provo, Utah. I have done photoshoots in Nevada. Sometimes I will go down to do some shoots up there with photographers. I have been looking to expand portfolio (need headshots for sure). I am still bit new to modeling. I have done classes in catwalk modeling and acting classes (have a bit of understanding in both aspects) just in case I am picked up by a agency. My teacher told me it's good to know how to walk and talk lol. xD I would love to work with anyone and teach me tips and tricks in modeling! If you want to work with me comment below and message me, we can work out when we are both free! Thank you!

jada_sweet_girl is my Facebook modeling page I recently created.

Here is my Instagram:

I added few photos from Instagram below

About me:
I am a mid size model
Age 22 years old
Currently have short hair +7
Jadila Sweet
24 фев 2022 в 04:28
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