Looking for singers

*Casting Call*

Female performers/ singers aged 18 years and over


This casting is for a previously produced musical revue, that is being relaunched and staged over a two-week period in May/June 2022. The one-hour performance piece will include dialogue and musical numbers, consisting of solos and harmonies, and will involve a small amount of simple choreographed dance. The production will be simultaneously launched in four regions of England, including the South West, South East, Midlands, and London, and we are looking for eight additional performers to support these productions. Pay:

A guaranteed minimum payment of £500 per performer will be made based upon 10 hours of... More
Toby Brewer
22 Feb 2022 at 1:27 pm
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Срочно требуется актриса
МСК СРОЧНЫЙ КАСТИНГ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ: женщина 40-45 лет, на роль невесты. "дерзкая замарашка" , активная, хорошо говорящая, ...
Оплата: 30000 ₽
Требуются актеры на съемки в историческом фильме
Свои заявки с анкетами, фото и видеовизитками присылайте на почту, почта указана в контактах. В теме письма: солдаты.
Оплата: 1500 ₽ per shift
Required males for a video shoot
[PAID] Seeking MALE Fitness talent for a video shoot. Location: Indoors at a gym Hours: 2 Hours Date: 7 March Scope: ...
Оплата: 240 $