Все кастинги
Looking for males for a photoshoot
Looking for middle-aged & 30+ males with modelling experience for a photoshoot for a London based menswear brand. Shoot dates TBC in March in London. Moodboard below Drop your profile or instagram in the comments or give me a message on my instagram @ro***
Looking for middle-aged & 30+ males with modelling experience for a photoshoot for a London based menswear brand. Shoot dates TBC in March in London. Moodboard below Drop your profile or instagram in the comments or give me a message on my instagram @ro***

TFP Project!
Looking for a photographer, model and MUA for a TFP project with the brand Tutussie! ...
Оплата: Not paid

Looking for photographers, Videographers and makeup artists that want to come work with UK TikTok house. Videographer ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hey people,
I am looking for a female model for a gymwear brand for some lifestyle shoot around London on 1st of March, ...
Оплата: By agreement