Все кастинги
Looking for males for music video
Hey Guys. Looking for Talents for a music Video shoot 26/27 of February depending on your availability. 18-40 years old. Small Compensation (50 euros). You are to play guests of a house party. Please DM me on instagram if you are down to participate.
Hey Guys. Looking for Talents for a music Video shoot 26/27 of February depending on your availability. 18-40 years old. Small Compensation (50 euros). You are to play guests of a house party. Please DM me on instagram if you are down to participate.

We need actress in Johannesburg for Flim shooting 20-30 years inbox me for more info training is offered
Оплата: By agreement

#приглашениенакастинг Production Ves-media объявляет кастинг! Для съёмки ролика с украшениями ТРЕБУЕТСЯ: роль: Мама в ...
Оплата: By agreement

Creative Box Events is looking for Mall Campaign Promoters for 10 days (every Saturday & Sunday only)
& 7 ...
Оплата: By agreement