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Required males
Sturmanskie is seeking male talent for her luxury watch brand commercial. This will be a full body shoot with a fashion flair. This is a paid shoot and We're looking to shoot in the 1st week of March and would like to select the Models before the shoot. If you are interested and available please send your respond to an***@gmail.com
Additional info:
Location: Coconut grove, Miami
No dialog or acting is required for this one.
Additional info:
Location: Coconut grove, Miami
No dialog or acting is required for this one.

Seeking a model for a cool toned blonde partial highlight
Hey everyone!
I'm a second year apprentice looking for ...
Оплата: 100 $

Hi everyone!
I'm looking for models for partial foils on Thursday the 25th of February!
When: Thursday 25th feb ...
Оплата: 50 $

Need female bikini model
must know yoga or gymnastic
flexibility sports ad shoot
high payment any age any skin ...
Оплата: By agreement