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#Salt Lake City
Looking for models for a photoshoot
Any models up for a wine photoshoot? I included some photos (not my pics) for inspiration. Let me know if you are interested. Edit: Thank you for all who messaged they are interested! I will create a new post when I have more details about a photoshoot. Thank you again!
(You don't need to inbox me here is the link to apply
utahfalconz.com/volunteer/ )
If anyone is looking to expand in ...
Оплата: По договоренности
На 21-24 февраля (работа с завтрашнего дня ) на выставку CPM (Экспоцентр, м. Выставочная) нужны:
1 модель на примерку ...
Оплата: 20000 ₽
For upcoming web film 'heartless ' we require:-
actors and models age bet 18-28. shoot will be in dubai,ny,paris, ...
Оплата: По договоренности