Все кастинги #San Francisco

Need actors

Hello actors! We are looking to fill 3-4 male roles for the first read-through of a play, details are below. Saturday, February 26th at 2pm. Please feel free to send your info to the contact below or if you have questions you can reach out to me directly. Thank you!
GREETINGS ACTORS. Can you help us? Thank you for taking a look. SEEKING: Actors of color for ensemble play reading, multiple roles. PROJECT: Private ZOOM table Reading of a New Play, THAT DOOR, based on a book, to improve the script in preparation for production at a later date. PRODUCERS: Irene Huston, Sabrina Huston, Hester Schell GENRE: Faith Based Drama, Christian/Black Church LOG LINE: A shattered soul recovers from child... More HESTERSCHELLCREATIVE.COM

Hester Schell: Creative - The arts are the eggs in the batter, not the icing on the cake.

CREATIVE COACH & CONSULTANT... Welcome. July 10, 2019November 14, 2020 hsc-adminUncategorized Click the menu above for more information about the work, script writing and creative consulting.This post has limited functions. Please click on CONTINUE READING for the active links. For the book, clic...
Marla Hartfield Cox
18 фев 2022 в 23:18
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Оплата: 4000 ₽
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Оплата: 15000 ₽
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Оплата: 10000 ₽