Все кастинги
#Kuala Lumpur
Required presentable, pretty female models with dark hair for a photoshoot
Looking for Female Talent for a product shooting, no dialog required.
Shooting details as below:
Shooting date: March 2022
Time: 6 - 8 hours
Venue: Klang valley
Talent ranges:-
1. Women (age between 25-30 yo) Young and energetic - Working Look
2. Women (age between 35-45 yo) Mature and pretty
3. Women (age between 50-60 yo) Gorgeous popo
4. Beauty talent - Good skin condition Talent requirement:-
- Fully vaccinated included booster jap
- Presentable and pretty Female
- Presentable outlook and Bright skin tone
- Dark hair color
- Wardrobe by own
- Make up and hair do provided
RM 800 + RM 100 Transport and meal allowance
Kindly send in your profile with full and half body without mask cover your face and camera filter to Yu***@forte.my with title "1350- Talent*
Shooting details as below:
Shooting date: March 2022
Time: 6 - 8 hours
Venue: Klang valley
Talent ranges:-
1. Women (age between 25-30 yo) Young and energetic - Working Look
2. Women (age between 35-45 yo) Mature and pretty
3. Women (age between 50-60 yo) Gorgeous popo
4. Beauty talent - Good skin condition Talent requirement:-
- Fully vaccinated included booster jap
- Presentable and pretty Female
- Presentable outlook and Bright skin tone
- Dark hair color
- Wardrobe by own
- Make up and hair do provided
RM 800 + RM 100 Transport and meal allowance
Kindly send in your profile with full and half body without mask cover your face and camera filter to Yu***@forte.my with title "1350- Talent*

Fragrance ads photoshoot looking for high quality pretty models.
*Pan asian look, 17-24yo*
Looks energetic, young and ...
Оплата: By agreement

Кастинги съемки работа модели подработка (VK)Кастинг 18.02 в 15:00 для девушек и юношей на показ 18.03 или 19.03. Будут ...
Оплата: 6000 ₽

Требуются модели на CPM с опытом. Рост от 173! Размер одежды 42-44!
Демонстрация на стенде верхней женской ...
Оплата: 4000 ₽ per day