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#New York
Searching for actor
LA Prmotional Film Casting Lead Actress | Pay: Pay is $650/day plus $1,000 buyout. Total $2,300. | nycastings.com/0430/directsubmitjobdetails.asp?applied=1&zz=1&QN=97577

[PAID JOB!] Hi All, Section is looking for the following talents for an Opening Store Launch Video. Shoot Period: 2 ...
Оплата: By agreement

We are looking for a freelance videographer for a short video shoot. Interested videographer should send reel demo to ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi Fam, I'm producing a commercial and looking for 2 actors! Someone who looks like Steve Harvey from Family Feud! ...
Оплата: 227 $