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Looking for females
Paid job Waesome Productions looking for a female shopper for an upcoming shopping mall promotional video. *Past modelling experience would be a plus! Female Shopper Screen age: 24 - 29 year old Non-speaking role Full day shoot Tentative shoot date: Either 2 or 3 March 2022 Interested parties, please feel free to email the following to ca***@waesome.com by 21 Feb: Email header: Shopping Mall Promotional Video [Name of applicant] Recent headshot and full body shot Instagram handle/ CV/ Past works (if any) Height & weight Mobile number Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, thank you!

Casting call for Kindred. [URGENT!] [Paid Student Production] Hi there! We are a group of Year 3 Diploma in Broadcast ...
Оплата: By agreement

Впереди нас ждёт грандиозное событие-КУБОК РОССИИ ПО ФУТБОЛУ!
И нам требуются самые привлекательные девушки в ...
Оплата: By agreement

Требуются девушки для фотосессий з. п от 10000р. За 2 часа работы! Опыт не обязателен!
Прoвoжу коммeрческие фoтоcъёмки ...
Оплата: 10000 ₽