Все кастинги
Looking for French actors for a movie
Looking for 2 french speaker male actors (age between 18-26) for a short movie filmed in Paris in the end of the month. If you're interested don't esitate to text me +39 *** to receive more details and fix an appointment to talk in person. Fabio.

Рекламный ролик стримингового сервиса.
1 год, ТВ и Интернет
Колбэк: 21 февраля
Примерка: 25 ...
Оплата: 55000 ₽

Hi everyone, We are looking for models aged between 18 to 50 years old, to feature in a premium footwear and clothing ...
Оплата: By agreement

Всем добрый день. Москва! Реконструкция для телеканала ТВЦ. Ищу шесть актеров на роли - КОКЛЮШКИН, ЕФИМ ШИФРИН, ЛЕВ ...
Оплата: 5000 ₽