Need actors for film

Hello! My name is Michael Strawn and I need to find the right person to become one of the lead actors in my short film! It's a heavy role that will need a lot of commitment behind it. If you would like more detail please visit this link where I explain the character as well as give a synopsis of the short: *** .html My business email is:

Seeking Actress for a Psychological Tragedy Short Film - talent gigs

Howdy to all who have stopped by, I am a local Seattle film director looking for an actress to portray an extremely serious role. Here is the film synopsis and the character description: Film...
Michael Strawn
14 Feb 2022 at 8:29 am
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Needed Chinese models
Hiring previz actor/model work, PAID, seeking: * "Accented VO" 30-50 year old black male actor with a Nigerian or ...
Оплата: 160 $
Looking for actors
Casting Call'! We are looking for two more actors to round out our cast of characters for this non union project! This ...
Оплата: By agreement
Кастинг актеров азиатской и казахской внешности на съемки фильма
Кастинг в кино Для съёмок фильма ищу казахов, бурятов, азиатов, ещё представителей монголоидной расы.. Лучше без ...
Оплата: By agreement