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Looking for males
Hey guys! I'm a Boudoir photographer and I'm training my husband to be an associate photographer. He's just getting into learning and we're looking for a few people to come model next Saturday the 19th for 20-30 minutes each so he can practice what he's been learning so far! Please let me know if you're interested or if you have more questions:) My studio is located in Redlands.

Hi I create my personal channel on one website and I want one female for permanent work with me in my video so any girl ...
Оплата: By agreement

#Язаказчик, поиск -
- 17.02, 18.02
Тип работы: рекламная съёмка
Коммерция: 20.000-48.000₽
Краткое описание: девушка, ...
Оплата: 48000 ₽

#Язаказчик, поиск -
- уточняется
Тип работы: фотосъёмка
Коммерция: 3000₽
Поиск: девушка, модель
Краткое описание: ...
Оплата: 3000 ₽