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Looking for males
Looking for indigenous South and Central American males, 20s-30s, in good physical condition for a few roles in an upcoming feature. We can consider talent across the southeast, but obviously want to make a big push for ATLANTA. To submit please MESSAGE us a photo and contact information and if you fit what we're looking for we'll get you the materials.
This shoots in MAY so we're hoping to see options IMMEDIATELY, so PLEASE PLEASE SHARE! Send Message Feldstein|Paris Casting Company
Looking for indigenous South and Central American males, 20s-30s, in good physical condition for a few roles in an upcoming feature. We can consider talent across the southeast, but obviously want to make a big push for ATLANTA. To submit please MESSAGE us a photo and contact information and if you fit what we're looking for we'll get you the materials.
This shoots in MAY so we're hoping to see options IMMEDIATELY, so PLEASE PLEASE SHARE! Send Message Feldstein|Paris Casting Company

We are looking for single or double leg amputees for an upcoming possibly recurring role in a series shooting ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hello everyone! So I'm looking for a female model for some TFP commercial work. I work for a car dealership ship and we ...
Оплата: Not paid

I'm a photographer
Looking for
-pregnant model
Around 25-28 weeks into pregnancy
- mom and child model
- female ...
Оплата: By agreement