Все кастинги
Required actors
Hi all! We are currently casting for an exciting production for the University of Westminster, "A Boy and His Friend" . At a house party, Aaron searches for his friend Jack and the meaning of his feelings. We are casting for the roles of: Aaron, Jack, Kaija and Erin. Actors must appear 16-17 years old but aside from that no other physical characteristics are required. This is a paid opportunity with a professional and highly creative crew who are working together to put together something really special! We would love to have you involved. If you are interested please contact production manager, Arthur, at: ar***@gmail.com Bella- 1st Assistant Director.

We are looking for a female aged 40-50 to play a lead role in our feature film
Genre: Horror
Location: ...
Оплата: Non pagato

Москва. Для корпоративного видео-дайджеста ищем девушку модельной внешности 20-30 лет. Снимать новости компании раз в ...
Оплата: Per accordo

2 actors requirement for Facebook/instagram advertisement of a brand
Male and female
Age group 28-45
No dialogues
Male ...
Оплата: 25000 ₹