Looking for females and males for a video shoot

Rolling into to Spring!
We had a great time hosting a promotional photo shoot and video yesterday! If you are looking for a place for your next photo/video shoot, (up to 20 people) we have a beautiful backyard setting with a 50 foot pool overlooking a lake n Miami. For more information please see my listing at: peerspace.com/pages/listings/6110ad25bf1931000d8bcdbb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_campaign=listing_sharing
Janet Johnson
11 Feb. 2022 alle 18:31
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Looking for models for upcoming shooting
Shauna Jackson 6 hrs Looking for models for my upcoming PHOTOSHOOT date tbd based on models available, if interested ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Нужен визажист на фотосессию
Москва. Ищу визажиста на фотосессию лавстори. 17.02 утром. Первые фото - мои работы, далее - локация, платье и модель.
Оплата: Per accordo
Looking for photographers
Hallo in die Runde ich bin vom 13.-16. Mai 2022 auf der Insel um zu heiraten. Dafür suche ich einen Fotografen. ...
Оплата: Non pagato