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Looking for females and males for a video shoot
Looking for a female or male model for a video shoot. (UNPAID)
We are seeking individuals who believe in the brand and want to grow with the brand. We are a start up and currently have no budget. We are happy to provide free product and the relationship we build with you will last a lifetime, meaning you will have early access to unreleased drops, entry to any events held by us and / or events we are invited to. As we grow we will also be happy to discuss a budget for your services. Shoot time: 2-3hours
Location: London
Date: Any weekend
The Shoreditch Mask Company
We are seeking individuals who believe in the brand and want to grow with the brand. We are a start up and currently have no budget. We are happy to provide free product and the relationship we build with you will last a lifetime, meaning you will have early access to unreleased drops, entry to any events held by us and / or events we are invited to. As we grow we will also be happy to discuss a budget for your services. Shoot time: 2-3hours
Location: London
Date: Any weekend
The Shoreditch Mask Company

Hi guys!
I'm looking for a photographer that would like to collaborate with me in TFP. Please let me know if anyone is ...
Оплата: Not paid

Hey everyone,
Myself and a team of wedding suppliers are looking for a real couple to ...
Оплата: Not paid

Роль: Гитарист
Возраст 14-16 лет
Оплата: 8000 руб/1 смена
Смены: 14.02 и
еще 1 смена с 15.02 по 17.02
Требуется ...
Оплата: 8000 ₽