Need female for a photoshoot

Need Female Model for Brand Saree Shoot
10 Days Project
(No Bold,Age 18+)
Interested Model Direct Inbox ur profile
বাবু মশাই
9 Feb 2022 at 9:14 am
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Required young females and males
- auditions for upcoming and ongoing marathi serial and big banner movie and tvc - freshers needed - fresher kids / ...
Оплата: By agreement
В клуб нужны хостес
Добрый день, ищем девушек на позицию хостес 17.02. Четверг в клуб. Оплата за смену сразу 800 крон + % с продаж. За ...
Оплата: 800 Kč per shift
Looking for actors for film
My company is casting for a feature film about Anteros, the god of love. We are looking for someone that can fly a ...
Оплата: 150 $