Looking for females


Looking for FEMALE models
Age 18-25yo
Open to all races
No minimum height requirements
Good fashion sense

Shoot Dates:
Weekends, Tentatively 12/13 FEB (HALF DAY)

Please email ni***@gmail.com if interested

To include:
- Name, age, bio
- IG username
- half and full body, selfie shots NON-EDITED
Singapore Casting Calls
26 Jan 2022 at 11:53 am
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Urgently looking for models for a photoshoot
[URGENT] Hello everyone, Abundant Productions is looking for talents for an upcoming sports retail commercial. Please ...
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Need males
[CASTING CALL - PAID JOB] Hello all! Sentang Entertainment is casting for the following roles for an upcoming short ...
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[Paid Job] Hello! Little Red Ants Creative Studio is looking for a pet dog and some featured extras for a promotional ...
Оплата: By agreement