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#New York
Need actors
NY FeatureFilm Casting SAG Child Actors | Pay: Pays $182/day per SAG Low budget contract. OT included if applicable. Talent may work multiple days. | nycastings.com/castings/?Qc=Film/TV/Video,Kids/Teens&Qn=97537
NY NC TVseries Casting Lead and Supporting Actors | Pay: TBD | nycastings.com/castings/?Qc=Film/TV/Video&Qn=97534
Оплата: По договоренности
Hi there! We are a group of Year 3 Diploma in Broadcast media students from Lasalle, and we are looking for a cast for ...
Оплата: По договоренности
Hi all! We are a group of LASALLE film students casting for our short film project.
If you are interested, ...
Оплата: По договоренности