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Wanted models for a photoshoot
Hey folks,
I'm an athlete training in the sport of track and field. I'm doing my best to attempt to make my childhood dreams come true! I wanted to share these shots of me that my teammate captured of me. Drop me a message if you're looking for an athlete for a shoot!
I'm an athlete training in the sport of track and field. I'm doing my best to attempt to make my childhood dreams come true! I wanted to share these shots of me that my teammate captured of me. Drop me a message if you're looking for an athlete for a shoot!

Paid Job!
4 models are required for an event
Date: Feb 23rd
Timing: 4:00PM to 10:30PM
Dress code: will be provided from ...
Оплата: By agreement

18 февраля.
Худ. Фильм
Оплата 2000р.
2 сцены.
Требуется: парень от 18 - 30лет (с татуировками)
По сюжету: набивают ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽

Киев! Сток!
Четверг 10 февраля.
Нужны парень и девушка ( 18-30 лет)которые хорошо катаються на скейте, умеют делать ...
Оплата: By agreement