Urgently need actors

NewYork - URGENT Fresh Kills - Feature Film Casting SAGAFTRA Child Actors Ages 5-15 for Featured Background roles playing elementary school kids. Pays $182/day per SAG Low budget contract. OT included if applicable. Must be vaccinated. Shoot Dates: One or multiple days between February 11th - March 7th.
Email: dr***@gmail.com
More details here - nycastings.com/castings/?Qc=Film/TV/Video,Kids/Teens&Qn=97537
Aron Seals
8 Feb. 2022 alle 00:30
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Required models
We need more models males and females. - Age from 13. - Location anywhere in world. - It's free to join. No ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Требуются модели со смуглой кожей
Здравствуйте! Питер Коммерция, съемка 2 часа (фото\видео) Начинающий бренд одежды в поисках модели с очень смуглой или ...
Оплата: Per accordo
Required photographers
Any one required a photographer kindly inbox me.
Оплата: Per accordo