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Looking for females
Hello! I am looking for 2x female models aged 20-25 to model in my fashion film, I will be filming in London City only (I will be travelling from Southampton) my film is about two LGBTQ women who are on a journey to finally be together and be happy, this journey will be documented by expressing sexuality through fashion and their journey through london represents their journey of love. This film is for an ASOS video campaign called 'love has no gender' (models don't have to be LGBTQ) dm me for more info

Please share to your Friends of Africa & Western, thank you so much!
Hong Kong Movie
We are looking for ...
Оплата: By agreement

08.02 На #съёмки сцены для популярного сериала на ютуб ищем крупных мужчин в возрасте 30-40 лет
На роль бойцов и тд ...
Оплата: 1000 ₽

Завтра выезд рано утром ,(если утвердят вас заберёт такси ).НУЖНЫ КРАСИВЫЕ МОДЕЛИ (игровые, эффектная ...
Оплата: 7000 ₽