Все кастинги
Needed female
Hey there! My name is Dominique and I am the Production Coordinator on a very popular Ghost Hunting show on Discovery Plus +.We are looking for extras for an upcoming re-enactment shoot in the Miami, AZ area on Wednesday, February 9th and/or Thursday, February 10th. We can pay $50 in cash (this is per day - you might be needed for multiple days. If this sounds interesting to you, and you are indeed available, please send an email to Do***@gmail.com with your name, cell number, email address, height, age, shirt size, pants size, (or dress size if you are a girl), and shoe size. Additionally, if you have a recent photo (without any makeup or retouching) that you can attach it would be much appreciated. Please be sure to send photos that do not obstruct your face or hair (no hats, sunglasses, etc).

Москва! Пушкино!
Ведущий для детского YouTube c медицинским образованием.
медицинское ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽ per day

HI EVERYONE, AM interested in acting but base in Lagos AT OKOKO SIDE,I NEED A genuine DIRECTOR'S,PRODUCERS OR ACTORS ...
Оплата: By agreement

МОСКВА! Нужна промо-хостес в Экспоцентр.
Рост 170-175 см.
Размер одежды 42-44.
Даты работы: 7-8 февраля.
Время ...
Оплата: 600 ₽ per hour