Все кастинги
#New York
Needed actors
NY FeatureFilm Casting Child and Adult Actors for Lead StandIns | Pay: SAG Low Budget Rate is $214/day. Talent will be needed for multiple days. | nycastings.com/castings/?Qc=Background,Film/TV/Video,Kids/Teens&Qn=97495

Looking for editors that are also willing to shoot on set. Please PM me or email: dribbledroidz@yahoo.com
Оплата: By agreement

Hello, good morning, I'm looking for "upcoming" Models for my brand. Anyone who is interested in modeling and who like ...
Оплата: By agreement

Открыта запись на кастинг. Для сьемок детской одежды.
Дети от 5 до 18 лет
Запись на кастинг; 89536008687
Оплата: By agreement