Все кастинги
#Los Angeles
Need actors for film
Hi I need some male and female actors, ages 18-30 for a short film I am working on, its a dialogue driven drama. Shooting will be done on weekends, this is paid work, 20/hr if you are available please email me at ma***@gmail.com and include a current photo thank you. Location is LA

Want to help a young person become a film star?
This July, over 200 young people aged 9 to 13 that are falling behind ...
Оплата: By agreement

Всем привет!
На воскресенье, 6.02 ищем парня, для коммерческой съемки ковриков для йоги.
Важно: хорошая спортивная ...
Оплата: 500 UAH

VOICE OVER CASTING CALL [UNPAID] For our short film OVERFLOW we are looking for a native english speaking voice over ...
Оплата: Not paid