Все кастинги
Need females for bikini shoot
Need 10 Female Models for Bikini Shoot
Height: 5'0" and above
No marks/tattoo on body
Shoot days: 2
Food, accommodation, tickets provide by company
Advance after selection
No registration fees
If you are interested then send your profile
Height: 5'0" and above
No marks/tattoo on body
Shoot days: 2
Food, accommodation, tickets provide by company
Advance after selection
No registration fees
If you are interested then send your profile

Для съемки рекламы в Москве требуются девушки 16-30 лет. Типажи разные. Портфолио прикрепляйте в личных сообщениях с ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi, my name is Shae and I'm currently a signed agency and freelance model from London. I'm looking to work with some ...
Оплата: By agreement

ИЩЕМ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЕЙ РОЛЕЙ 9-10 лет для съемок в художественном фильме "МУХАДРАКОН" для ДЕТЕЙ и их родителей. При ...
Оплата: By agreement