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#Des Moines
Looking for young actors
Our performing arts company in Des Moines will have some upcoming opportunities for actors who can or are open to teaching youth. We are launching an immersive Star Wars camp where the kids will live in a Star Wars world for the week. We are looking for a young male actor 18-30 who can personify a Jedi. You will be leading the camp with another co teacher and assistant. We are looking for charisma and energy more than experience in teaching. The curriculum will be written for you and training opportunities will be offered to set you up for success! You can check us out on fb Wagner Summer Theater or on our website at www.wagnersummertheater.com
If interested please send inquiry to li***@wagnersummertheater.com More opportunities to come too if this is not a fit for you WAGNERSUMMERTHEATER.COM
Wagner Summer Theater
Wagner Summer Theater is a performing arts program for children of all ages in the Waukee/Clive area! Our goal is to build confidence and expose children to the arts as early as possible. We offer diverse and unique curriculum in theater, music, film, and writing. We are continuing to expand our off...
If interested please send inquiry to li***@wagnersummertheater.com More opportunities to come too if this is not a fit for you WAGNERSUMMERTHEATER.COM
Wagner Summer Theater
Wagner Summer Theater is a performing arts program for children of all ages in the Waukee/Clive area! Our goal is to build confidence and expose children to the arts as early as possible. We offer diverse and unique curriculum in theater, music, film, and writing. We are continuing to expand our off...

We are 5 stars hotel located in sharm el sheik and we looking for 2 girls age from 18 to 28 years old to work as a ...
Оплата: 500 $

[URGENT] Hello everyone, Abundant Productions is looking for talents for an upcoming sports retail commercial. Please ...
Оплата: By agreement

На съёмку нового проекта НА ЗАВТРА нужны парни и девушки модельной внешности.
Возраст 18-20 ...
Оплата: 2000 ₽