Все кастинги
#Los Angeles
Required models
Seeking male and female models that are interested in participating in a photoshoot that will be taking place at one of the Malibu hiking trails. The shoot will last for about 3 hours. I am seeking individuals that are willing to help me build my portfolio and social media content. There is no pay but all images will be shared with all participants. No experience required. Below are some examples of what I worked on. Please DM me if your interested. +3

Date: TBD
Location: (Studio)
Type of Shoot: TFP
Although I do have an Alt Punk shoot set up. I want to explore some ...
Оплата: Not paid

Hi girls
Looking for models interested in colour
There is a small service charge
Hare and bone london, Monday 7th ...
Оплата: By agreement

Hi, I'm currently training at Daniel Galvin.
I am looking for a model for tomorrow (Wednesday 2nd)
Daniel Galvin, ...
Оплата: By agreement